Differences between revisions 8 and 17 (spanning 9 versions)
Revision 8 as of 2011-10-24 16:45:46
Size: 79
Editor: 187
Comment: Help, I've been informed and I can't bcemoe ignorant.
Revision 17 as of 2011-10-26 23:52:32
Size: 100
Editor: p1013-ipbf202niigatani
Comment: I could read a book about this wtiohut finding such real-world approaches!
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 1: Line 1:
Help, I've been informed and I can't bcemoe ignorant. I could read a book about this wtiohut finding such real-world approaches!

I could read a book about this wtiohut finding such real-world approaches!


PyTask (last edited 2011-12-21 12:11:01 by Lee)