a = var('a')
b = var('b')
c = var('c')
print " given E as "
E = matrix([[1,0,0],[0,2,0],[4,0,1]])
print E
print " hence let us take A as 3xN matrix"
A = matrix([[a],[b],[c]])
print A
X = E*A
print X
print " EA and A are related in a way that the elements in EA are as multiples of A in given order or E"
print "=============================="
E = matrix([[1,1,1],[0,0,0]])
print E
X = E*A
print X
print " EA and A are related in a way that the EA consists element total sum of elements of A and zero"
print "=============================="
E = matrix([[0,0,1],[0,1,0],[1,0,0]])
print E
X = E*A
print X
print " EA and A are related in a way that the EA is reverse in order of A"