{{{{{{id=1| # the infinitesimal raise in the water level pushes causes the restoring force. Taking it to be small enough provides the necessary and sufficient condition for a simple harmonic motion.

pi = 3.1415926535897931

r = 0.01 #meter

g = 9.8 #m/s^2

#for y the displacement upwards, and y the resultant acceleration downwards,

#pi*2*r(2)*g*y = - [1 - pi*2*r(2)*y]*y

#neglecting the term pi*2*r^(2)*y, we have..

#pi*2*r^(2)*g*y = - y

omega = sqrt(2*pi)*r*9.8

f = omega/2*pi

print f /// 0.385865443670199 }}}


/// }}} }}}

SageDays/Kreyszig-2.5-9 (last edited 2010-08-10 11:41:43 by bhanukiran)